Core/Plug Aeration
We’ll make your lawn the ENVY of the neighborhood
Why should you Aerate?
Soil plugs or cores are pulled from your lawn to reduce compaction, increase drought tolerance, increase disease resistance, break up thatch, and get more nutrients to the turf roots. Core Aeration can be done annually and is one of the best possible things that can be done for a lawn. We recommend mechanical aeration prior to overseeding to promote seed-to-soil contact.
Front lawn vs back lawn of a new construction home. The back lawn had sod laid right on top of clay and will have a very tough time thriving. Core aeration followed by a Soil Improvement Application will do wonders to fix a condition like this.

Core/ Plug Aeration FAQ
Mark sprinkler heads and boxes for in-ground irrigation and mark underground dog fence lines. Mark anything else that may be buried shallower than 6″ that our aeration machine may hit. We recommend landscape marking flags from home improvement stores.
Due to the logistics and safety concerns of providing this service, we will not be able to do areas that our machine cannot go. We can do the areas we can safely get and adjust your price if the skipped area lowers you to the next pricing tier down. Also choosing the soil improvement / liquid aeration is an option; either 1) in addition to Core Aeration to get the best of both where possible and fill in the gaps with soil improvement or 2) in replacement of Core Aeration to save costs knowing Core Aeration cannot be completed on a majority of your lawn.
ProLawns Pledge
ProLawns will respond before the end of the following business day with an answer to your question or a resolution to any issue affecting your satisfaction. If the matter is not settled to your liking — you will be refunded for the lawn application that you aren’t pleased with.
